
Barney: Robin, I'm not happy. I mean, I wish I was, nothing would make me happier than being happy, but I'm not.

Robin: What are we doing wrong? We love each other... I mean if this doesn't work, what will? We're so similar...

Barney: We both like scotch... We're both awesome...

Robin: You know, maybe that's the problem, maybe there's too much awesome here.

Barney: Exactly. Two awesomes cancel each other out. I'm tired of being canceled out.

Robin: Me too. (silence) Are we breaking up?

Barney: I think so. Ah, crap. Now comes the next part. The part where you and I can't go back to being friends...

Robin: Well, maybe this isn't a break up. Maybe this is two friends getting back together.

Barney: Getting back together as friends. I like that.