Cheguei à conclusão que os homens e as mulheres nunca se entenderão. Eu nunca serei capaz de compreender como é que uma mulher consegue pegar em cera quente, deita-la em cima das pernas, arrancar pelos pela raiz e ainda assim, tem medo de uma abelha. E sei que as mulheres não nos percebem, aposto que neste preciso momento está uma mulher a ler isto e a interrogar-se sobre o cerebro masculino. Querem saber o que é que nos vai na cabeça? Querem? Mas mesmo? Eu digo-vos: Nada. Nós andamos por ai a circular... Este é o unico requesito para ser um homem. Trabalhamos porque nos obrigam, mas tirando isso, circular é a unica coisa que nos dá prazer. Quer dizer, gostamos de mulheres, e queremos mulheres, mas até agora só chegámos até ao ponto de pensar nisso. Por isso é que apitamos as buzinas dos carros, mandamos piropos dos locais de trabalho, porque estas foram as melhores ideias que tivemos até agora. Agora pensando mais especificamente, apitar a buzina do carro... isto só pode ser o ultimo neuronio funcional que atira com este desespero: o tipo passa de carro, ve a mulher gira, apita, e... e. Pronto. Ele está à espera do quê, que a mulher vá a correr atras do carro e se agarre ao tubo de escape? Porque é que nos comportamos assim? Porque é que somos rudes, grosseiros, bebados, a mandar piropos... Sim, eu sei. Todas as mulheres estão a pensar: não, o meu não é assim, o meu é perfeito. Não é não. Nós, os homens, sabemos que por muito horrivelmente que nos portemos, vamos acabar por nos relacionar-mos com uma mulher eventualmente. Basta olhar para todos os homens que conhecem que estão numa relaçao: acham que estes são super-homens? São iguais a todos os idiotas de quem estou a falar! Nós, os homens, temos uma organizaçao que está constantemente à procura de mulheres. Daí os descobrimentos, a ida à lua...
Haven't Met You Yet
I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility
And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility
And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get
Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get
I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Podia escrever...
Sobre algo...
A amiga...
O amigo...
A musica...
O teatro...
A personagem...
O tempo...
O espaço...
O vazio...
A lágrima...
A lua...
O comboio...
A calçada...
O vento...
A chuva...
O blazer...
A camisa...
A máscara...
A sequela...
E tantas outras coisas...
Vou escrever...
Sobre o quanto é bom sonhar.
Que por enquanto, ainda não se paga!
Podia escrever...
Sobre algo...
A amiga...
O amigo...
A musica...
O teatro...
A personagem...
O tempo...
O espaço...
O vazio...
A lágrima...
A lua...
O comboio...
A calçada...
O vento...
A chuva...
O blazer...
A camisa...
A máscara...
A sequela...
E tantas outras coisas...
Vou escrever...
Sobre o quanto é bom sonhar.
Que por enquanto, ainda não se paga!
Until I Hear You Sing
The day starts, the day ends
Time crawls by
Night steals in, pacing the floor
The moments creep,
Yet I cant bear to sleep
Till I hear you sing
And weeks pass, and months pass
Seasons fly
Still you dont walk through the door
And in a haze
I count the silent days
Till I hear you sing once more.
And sometimes at night time
I dream that you are there
But wake holding nothing but the empty air
And years come, and years go
Time runs dry
Still I ache down to the core
My broken soul
Cant be alive and whole
Till I hear you sing once more
And music, your music
It teases at my ear
I turn and it fades away and youre not here
Let hopes pass, let dreams pass
Let them die
Without you, what are they for?
Ill always feel
No more than halfway real
Till I hear you sing once more
Deja vu.
Sinto-me carente de pessoas apáticas...
Já vi isto escrito em qualquer lado, não já? Ah, what the hell...
Já vi isto escrito em qualquer lado, não já? Ah, what the hell...
Palavras Cruzadas e Iniciais
Tenho; (de) endurecer; (e) rementalizar;, estou; saturado; (de) afugentar;. Receio; atrair; quaisqueres; ultrages; enquanto; (me) liberto;.
(Talvez demasiado simples para o olho comum...)
(PS: Já tenho saudades de um striptease... mãos à obra!)
(PS: Já tenho saudades de um striptease... mãos à obra!)
Think of Me
Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me
We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been
Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you
Can it be, can it be Christine?
Long ago, it seems so long ago
How young and innocent we were
She may not remember me
But I remember her
Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their season so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me
100% Honestidade
Às vezes tenho medo que penses que sou um fraco. Sabes que te adoro, és praticamente do meu sangue, mas às vezes parece que tenho de ser frio como a pedra para que me aceites. Nunca pude chorar, nunca pude cair nesse ombro, nunca me deixaste fazer o «luto»... E percebo porquê... Queres que eu cresça, que eu fique duro e habituado à vida! Mas não te esqueças, por baixo de isto tudo, deste brincalhão que tanto estimas está uma ferida ainda muito aberta. Para te ser sincero, não sei o que é que quero... Sinto que a minha felicidade ficou lá atrás, mas não quero ir lá buscá-la... quero que ma tragam até mim, percebes? Consideras-me um toto por ainda pensar nisto, mas tenta perceber: Eu fui, inevitavelmente, feliz! Loucamente feliz, como nunca tinha sido! E sabes que me é dificil, sabes que é complicado, mas às vezes parece que te esqueces que eu não sou tão grande como aparento... Eu sei o que tu pensas; que não adianta porque eu mereço melhor, mas ouve, e se eu não quiser melhor? Vais-me crucificar? Por eu estar apaixonado? Não tenho culpa! Queres que admita, é isso? SIM! AINDA ESTOU! E MUITO! Desculpa, mas não o vou negar, não vou mentir, não quero iludir ninguém e não quero brincar com ninguém... Eu só peço compreensão, só peço que continues a ralhar comigo por estar sempre com o Serafim e com o Raposinho e, acima de tudo, quero que te rias. Que te rias muito! Porque é isso que me salva, é o nosso riso que me salva! Sabes que não sei ser frio, não consigo apagar nada. Muito menos isto. És amigo, és camarada, és irmão.
E eu estimo-te.
High Flying, Adored
High flying, adored
So young, the instant queen
A rich beautiful thing, of all the talents
A cross between a fantasy of the bedroom and a saint
You were just a backstreet girl
Hustling and fighting, scratching and biting
High flying, adored
Did you believe in your wildest moments
All this would be yours
That you'd become the lady of them all?
Were there stars in your eyes
When you crawled in at night
From the bars, from the sidewalks
From the gutter theatrical
Don't look down, it's a long, long way to fall
High flying, adored
What happens now, where do you go from here?
For someone on top of the world
The view is not exactly clear
A shame you did it all at twenty-six
There are no mysteries now
Nothing can thrill you, noone fulfill you
High flying, adored
I hope you come to terms with boredom
So famous so easily, so soon
It's not the wisest thing to be
You won't care if they love you
It's been done before
You'll despair if they hate you
You'll be drained of all energy
All the young who've made it would agree
High flying, adored
That's good to hear but unimportant
My story's quite usual
Local girl makes good, weds famous man
I was stuck in the right place at the perfect time
Filled a gap, I was lucky
But one thing I'll say for me
Noone else can fill it like I can
Barney: Robin, I'm not happy. I mean, I wish I was, nothing would make me happier than being happy, but I'm not.
Robin: What are we doing wrong? We love each other... I mean if this doesn't work, what will? We're so similar...
Barney: We both like scotch... We're both awesome...
Robin: You know, maybe that's the problem, maybe there's too much awesome here.
Barney: Exactly. Two awesomes cancel each other out. I'm tired of being canceled out.
Robin: Me too. (silence) Are we breaking up?
Barney: I think so. Ah, crap. Now comes the next part. The part where you and I can't go back to being friends...
Robin: Well, maybe this isn't a break up. Maybe this is two friends getting back together.
Barney: Getting back together as friends. I like that.
Robin: What are we doing wrong? We love each other... I mean if this doesn't work, what will? We're so similar...
Barney: We both like scotch... We're both awesome...
Robin: You know, maybe that's the problem, maybe there's too much awesome here.
Barney: Exactly. Two awesomes cancel each other out. I'm tired of being canceled out.
Robin: Me too. (silence) Are we breaking up?
Barney: I think so. Ah, crap. Now comes the next part. The part where you and I can't go back to being friends...
Robin: Well, maybe this isn't a break up. Maybe this is two friends getting back together.
Barney: Getting back together as friends. I like that.
Sweet Amber
Wash your back so you won't stab mine
Get in bed with your own kind
Live your life so you don't see mine
Drape your back so you won't shine
Wash your back so you won't stab mine
Get in bed with your own kind
Live your life so you don't see mine
Drape your back so you won't shine
Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile
Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
Chase the rabbit, fetch the stick
She rolls me over 'till im sick
She deals in habits, deals in pain
I run away, but i'm back again
Chase the rabbit, fetch the stick
She rolls me over 'till im sick
She deals in habits, deals in pain
I run away, but i'm back again
Ooh then she holds my hand
And i lie to get a smile
And she squeezes tighter
I still lie to get a smile
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Using what i want
To get what you want
Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
She holds the pen that spells the end
She traces me and draws me in...
She holds the pen that spells the end
She traces me and draws me in...
Ooh sweet amber
Ooh sweet amber
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
How sweet are you?
How sweet does it get?
It's never as sweet as it seems
"I was running this morning, and i came to realize that the word "fuck" just comes up so much. Seriously, it's really true. It's just like... FUCK! fuck... I just think you're so fuckin' self-absorbed and what makes it worst is you always talk about me, and you use the word control and manipulation a lot... I think you control on purpose and i think you control by the rules you always set, by you always judge people, by your absence, you control all this even when you're not here! I don't understand who you are, i don't understand the program, i realise now that i barely knew you before! You know, all these rules... this shit! I don't want it to happen twice, ok? If we're gonna do it, then let's do it full on or not do it at all, you know? Fuck... You see? fuck... FUUUCKKK!!!"
Lars Ulrich
Discos Pedidos
Daqui a uns anos, se me pedirem para fazer uma personagem fria, que se dá muito aos amigos, muitas vezes carente, com um sentido de humor muito proprio, fofa para quem merece, muito elétrica, que toma decisoes precepitadas e que confia nos amigos para lhe simplificar o espirito, já sei em quem é que me vou basear...
Mental Note
"É vergonhoso que um homem que não consegue mudar a sorte dos seus males queira viver tanto como qualquer outro homem, pois, somando dia após dia, que prazer pode deles tirar, sabendo que só lhe resta a morte? Nem uma só palavra de apreço me merecerá o mortal que se deslumbra com o fulgor de esperanças vãs. (...) O resto, haverá tempo bastante, em Hades, para o explicar aos mortos."
No need for a title...
" I could just follow the tune and do a couple of notes to enhance the song. But that would be boring, and the last thing I want is to be conventional. So i just make up lines!"
Michael Kamen
One / Let it be
Is it getting better
Or do you feel the same
Will it make it easier on you now
You got someone to blame
You say...
One love
One life
When it's one need
In the night
One love
We get to share it
Leaves you baby if you
Don't care for it
Did I disappoint you
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's...
Too late
To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other
Ted: Thanks. You know what? I’m done being single. I’m not good at it. Look, obviously you can’t tell a woman you just met you love her. But… it sucks that you can’t. I’ll tell you something though, if a woman—not you… just some hypothetical woman—were to bare with me through all this. I think I’d make a damn good husband. Because that’s the stuff I’d be good at. Stuff like making her laugh and being a good father… and walking her five hypothetical dogs. Being a good kisser.
Robin: Everyone thinks they’re a good kisser.
Ted: Oh, I’ve got references.
Robin: Good night, Ted. (Shake hands.)
Ted: And I’m a good hand shaker.
Robin: that’s a pretty great hand shake.
Mask Of Darkness Vol. 2

No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears.
Shamed into solitude
Shunned by the multitude
I learned to listen
In my dark, my heart heard music.
I longed to teach the world
Rise up and reach the world
No one would listen
I alone could hear the music
Then at last, a voice in the gloom
Seemed to cry "I hear you;
I hear your fears,
Your torment and your tears."
She saw my loneliness
Shared in my emptiness
No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears
No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears...
What have I got? Really? Some money in my pocket, some nice threads, and I'm single. Yeah... unattached, free as a bird... I don't depend on nobody and nobody depends on me... My life's my own. But I don't have peace of mind. And if you don't have that, you've got nothing. So... what's the answer? That's what I keep asking myself. What's it all about?
You know what I mean?
You know what I mean?
"Porquê? Não!!!! Sabes que sim, deixa-me estar... Vamos lá, está na hora. IMPORTAS-TE DE PARAR DURANTE UM BOCADO?! Estou a fraquejar... Agarrem-me! NUNCA! NUNCA! NUNCA! Tudo e nada são a mesma coisa, é?! Tigre para pombo, pombo para água, água para vapor, vapor para fogo, e finalmente..."
-> Nunca se chegou a esclarecer...
"Estou decidido a roubar o fogo sagrado as vezes que forem precisas!"
-> Estava mesmo...
"Gosto de me repetir. Mesmo quando te fartas das minhas amorosas repetições, eu vou repetir e repetir e repetir só porque guardo tanto cá dentro que tenho de largar! Tenho de invadir o mundo com isto, tenho de mostrar aos outros que estou intocável, que por muito que tentem, estou imune a dramas, boatos e rumores! Dizes que te salvei do teu passado... Pois tu salvaste o meu futuro!"
-> Hahaha...
"Que se fodam todas, eu amo o meu Irish Coffee! ;)"
-> Private Joke...
"Gosto quando atrofias comigo...
Gosto quando me apertas...
Gosto quando te ris de mim e comigo...
Gosto quando me penteias os pêlos do braço...
Gosto quando passas por mim a sorrir...
Gosto quando ficas pensativa...
Gosto quando me coças a nuca...
Gosto quando falas da «adriana»...
Gosto quando representas...
Gosto quando olhas para mim...
Gosto quando me bates quando estou quase a dormir..."
-> Tanta coisa de que eu gostava...
"A hora em que me ponho a olhar pela janela com o Josh a cantar para mim. Estou cansado, desgastado, pesado e, acima de tudo, muito feliz. Estou preso com grilhetas de carne e osso. Vais pagar caro por isto, por tudo o que fizeste e por tudo o que querias fazer... Em breve as minhas lágrimas vão aquecer, vão ferver e vão queimar as grilhetas que me puseste, a mim e a muitas outras «criaturinhas», ou lá como lhes chamas..."
-> Nem todas se queimaram...
"Estou tão cansado... Cansado de andar de um lado para o outro, de olhar para tantas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Preciso de descansar, de me sentar e de me perder dentro de olhos verdes! Sinto-me preso dentro do conceito da realidade, é tão rígido e tão estrito! Sinto-me com um sorriso vazio, com olhos tristes e mente nula. Estou tão cansado... Chove uma chuva de lágrimas enquanto escrevo no meu fiel e presente blog, não porque me apetece chorar, mas porque estou a precisar de chuva. Preciso de ficar maluco, de me perder no meio da minha lua e ficar por lá a orbitar e só voltar daqui a uns mil anos! Talvez seja por isso que quero tanto encarnar um grego doido, para durante quatro horas por semana me poder soltar e olhar o mundo com os olhos livres!"
-> E sabe maravilhosamente!
"No outro dia apercebi-me que a vida dá voltas e voltas... Vidas passam, começam e nós estamos sempre a ver dias diferentes! A paixão ardente de simples meses atrás tornou-se na inexistência de hoje... e um coração de tigre de garras afiadas ficou mais soft... Embora ainda seja um Tigre!
Nunca perder forças.. Nunca desistir... Nunca deixar de lutar! Hei-de vencer... Mas nunca serei um Rei! O Rei é a figura de autoridade suprema, invejado por uns, servido por outros... Serei sim um Principe.. O Principe desta vida que se tornou uma simples contracena com casuais transeuntes da rua... Uma Contracena Constante... já nós lhe chamamos! Nós..."
-> Hei-de lá chegar, quando estiver pronto...
"Eu + Tu = Nós... Que melhor equação que esta..?"
-> Conheço uma... e pelos vistos, tu tambem...
"Desde quando é que a idiotice é recompensada..? Se calhar sou só eu, mas talvez devêssemos investigar os vossos cérebros, não acham meus senhores..?"
-> Deviamos ser todos idiotas...
"Quero-te comigoooo
Quero-te a ti de volta!!!
Não existe maior força que aquela que tu me dás mesmo sem dizeres uma palavra!"
-> Esta não fui eu...
"Fui dar uma volta por benfica... E percebi que está tudo igual! Os prédios, as pessoas, os cães a ladrar... Mas algo estava diferente, ao pricipio não conseguia perceber o que era, mas depois fez-se luz: Estou sozinho... E quero chorar... e enquanto as lágrimas caem para cima da secretária do meu quarto olho pela janela e vejo o vazio da minha vida. Só tenho uma Lua, Uma Lua CHEIA! Mas está longe e não lhe consigo tocar... Tenho saudades da minha Lua e quero tanto estar ao pé dela... Quero que ela volte para ao pé de mim e que faça os "AH", os atrofios com boca de esquilo, as musicas do Mestre, e sobretudo que me ilumine..."
-> E tive o que pedi... e o que mereci...
"O cansaço já não me incomoda... Já está tudo banal, tudo é regularizado!
Já nada é comparável à dor que sinto cá dentro... Apodreço de sorriso na cara...
Quero fugir, buscar-te num cavalo branco e levar-te para o nosso paraíso! Mas não posso, estas correntes de carne e osso prendem-me aqui! Na minha ridícula insignificância "só os teus mandamentos continuarão a viver separados da matéria inferior", quero que saias daí, que te levantes, ponhas o teu colar e os teus óculos pindéricos e venhas para ao pé de mim... Completas-me, estou a ficar vazio, quero-te bem! Fazem-me rir, os meus companheiros e compinchas tentam animar-me, e eu finjo que melhoro, mas morro... Morro por ti minha estrela, minha Star! Eu espero por ti para sempre! Prioridades... Objectivos e ideias de merda que se cruzam na minha cabeça sobre o teu estado, só te quero dizer que confio e que não duvido! Vamos escrever a história da nossa existência conjunta, não quero que sejamos eu e tu... Somos Nós! Somos iguais, almas indênticas que se cruzaram no meio egos a chocarem e corpos em destruição... És tudo, não consigo sem ti, já fazes parte de mim, já és a extensão da minha alma e estás com ela nas tuas lindas mãos enquanto melhoras! Tens de melhorar, mandar os problemas à merda! Dá-te à vida, à TUA Vida! Os outros não interessam, os outros são estátuas de horror, que nos perseguem como espectros! És a minha raiz, sem ti não me alimento, não cresço, não sinto satisfação na vida! Adoro-te Muito!!!"
-> Be careful what you wish for...
"Somos amigos? Somos...? Ainda bem. És mais que um amigo, és O amigo! És-me tanto, e gosto tanto de ti! Estamos sempre um para o outro, quer seja a cantar fado sobre tudo e mais alguma coisa ou a falar sobre as nossas relações... Tu aconselhas-me, eu aconselho-te, choramos no ombro um do outro, somos um para o outro, acompanhamo-nos através de chamas ardentes que nos querem queimar e não nos deixamos consumir. Sei que já caí na tentação das ninfas muitas vezes, e é graças a ti que ainda aqui estou e que contigo estreio nesta nossa aventura Shakespeariana... Creio em ti, e sei que serás grande, como só tu poderás ser! Sou e serei sempre o teu fã incondicional, quer faças um Marreco ou um Grego, estarei sempre do teu lado! Sempre, para sempre contigo, onde quer que vás e de que lado estejas."
-> Ainda continuas a se-lo... Mais do que nunca!
"A todos os meus leitores, tenho a dizer que neste momento choro. Sim, são 04:47 e estive até agora a trabalhar mas acabei e apercebi-me - Sinto-me um bocado sozinho. Sinto-me incompleto, está algo a faltar... Não és tu meu camarada, tu estás aqui, ao lado da minha artéria aorta... Falta-me a luz... A luz branca e linda! Tantas estrelas que tenho agora, quando só quero é a minha lua de volta! De que adianta ser um planeta enorme se não posso ter uma lua? De que adianta ter todas as estrelas possíveis e imaginárias se é da lua que preciso? O que vale é que no meio de todas as minhas metáforas aquilo que quero dizer sai. Há coisas que nasceram para serem ditas. Outras que nasceram para serem escritas. Deixa-me escrever-te e dizer-te tudo aquilo que me for humanamente possível!"
-> E há coisas que nasceram para ficarem anonimas...
"Sinto-me carente de pessoas apáticas.."
-> No comments...
E pronto...
That's all there is to it...
Just a big, long and painful flashback...
Mask Of Darkness
Child of the wilderness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness
Who will be there for you
Comfort and care for you
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion
Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known your heart was on its own
So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion
Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known your heart was on its own
So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone
Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived life can be loved alone
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness
Who will be there for you
Comfort and care for you
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion
Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known your heart was on its own
So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be your one companion
Never dreamed out in the world
There are arms to hold you
You've always known your heart was on its own
So laugh in your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to Be lonely
Learn how to love life that is lived alone
Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived life can be loved alone
Ah, what the hell...
Concentração... Certo.
Personagem... Certo.
Texto... Certo.
Emoção... Certo.
Técnica... Certo.
Beleza... Certo.
Respiração... Certo.
Arranhões... Certo.
Asas... Certo.
Presença... Certo.
Quedas... Certo.
Recaídas... Certo.
Dor... Certo.
Vingança... Certo.
Vergonha... Certo.
Pena... Certo.
Raiva... Certo.
Final... Indefinido.
Confused? So am I!
Until It Sleeps
Where do I take this pain of mine
I run but it stays right by my side
So tear me open and pour me out
There's things inside that scream and shout
And the pain still hates me
So hold me until it sleeps
Just like the curse, just like the stray
You feed it once and now it stays
Now it stays
So tear me open but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me until I'm clean
It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you so hold me
Until it sleeps
So tell me why you've chosen me
Don't want your grip, don't want your greed
Don't want it
I'll tear me open make you gone
No more can you hurt anyone
And the fear still shakes me
So hold me, until it sleeps
It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you, holds you, holds you
until it sleeps (x4)
And it won't it won't it won't it won't it won't it knows
So tear me open but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me 'til I'm clean
I'll tear me open make you gone
No longer will you hurt anyone
And the hate still SHAMES me
So hold me
until it sleeps
Meet Me In My Blog In A Minute
Hey, like the moon? It's nice, right? It's bright and misterious... Tell me about it, i've been a werewolf for half a year! But you know what..? Go ahead, keep it. Take every last beam of light and point it to you, because i'm sick of the moonlight! It's a drug, it's a pack of white lies! I'll trade it! yes, trade it! I'll trade it for some fresh air... My SUN! My new source of light! And trust me, this one isn't anything like that dreadfull moon! After all this time in darkness, finally i have some sunlight to warm my cold body! So keep your smiles, your calls, your texts, your blogs, your cryings, your "i love you" lies... Give them to somebody who wants them! Me..? Oh i've got smiles, call, texts, blogs, laughs and "you're an idiot" truths!
So fuck the fuckin' fuck off!
So fuck the fuckin' fuck off!
Is there anybody going to listen to my story
All about the girl who came to stay?
She's the kind of girl you want so much
It makes you sorry
Still you don't regret a single day.
When I think of all the times I've tried so hard to leave her
She will turn to me and start to cry;
And she promises the earth to me
And I believe her
After all this time I don't know why
All about the girl who came to stay?
She's the kind of girl you want so much
It makes you sorry
Still you don't regret a single day.
When I think of all the times I've tried so hard to leave her
She will turn to me and start to cry;
And she promises the earth to me
And I believe her
After all this time I don't know why
Oh, the irony...
Ted: There’s something here, look, unless I’m crazy.
Robin: (exhales) you’re not crazy. I—I don’t know, Ted, I mean we barely know each other and you’re looking at me with that look and it’s like—(struggles)
Ted: Like what?
Robin: like—let’s fall in love, and get married and have kids and drive them to soccer practice.
Ted: I’m not gonna force sports on them unless they’re interested.
Robin: (laughs) It’s a great look. But you’re looking at the wrong girl.
Ted: No, I’m not.
Robin: Yes, you are. I don’t wanna get married right now, maybe ever and if we got together I’d feel like I’d either have to marry you or break your heart and—I just couldn’t do either of those things. Just like you can’t turn off the way you feel.
Ted: (reaches in his Jacket) Click. Off. Let’s make out.
Robin: (laughs) What?
Ted: What? That was the off switch! And I turned it off. I mean sure yes, I wanna fall in love get married blah, blah, blah, but—on the other hand… you… me…the roof.
Robin: There’s no off switch.
Ted: There is an off switch… and it’s off.
Robin: (smiling) no, it’s not.
Ted: (silence) yes, it is. (They draw closer)
Robin: No (smiles)…it’s—not.
Ted: Yes—it is (they kiss long) No it’s not. You’re right, there’s no off switch. God I wish there was an off switch.
Robin: (sighs) me too.
(Silence. They laugh)
Ted: So...
Robin: we could be friends!
Ted: Oh...
Robin: look, I know it sounds insincere when people say that but… we could.
Ted: I don’t know, Robin. I made such a jackass out of myself here, every time we start hanging out it’ll be like, “Oh—that’s right—I’m a jackass.”
Robin: You’re not a jackass. I’m sorry. I only moved here in April and I’m always working and—I just haven’t met a lot of good people so far. But I understand.
Ted: Well—uh—maybe in a few months after it’s not so fresh, we could all—uh…you know, get a beer.
Robin: yeah. (sighs) That sounds good. I’ll see you, Ted. (walks away)
Ted: Or, you know—now. (Robin looks at Ted) We could all get a beer now.
Robin: (Smiles) I’d like that.
Metallica - Wasting My Hate
Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you
Ain't gonna waste my hate
Ain't gonna waste my hate on you
I think I'll keep it for myself
Ain't gonna kill no more
Ain't got the time to help you score
I think it's time you pleased yourself
Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you
You think you're worthy now?
You think enough to even raise the brow
And to laugh and tip that two-pronged crown?
Well I see my hands, I see my feet
I feel that blood that pumps and beats
But where the hell's my mind going now?
Dead gone now!
Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you
Think I'll keep it for myself
Ain't gonna waste my hate
But I'm so greedy when they say
Better to give than to receive
Ain't gonna waste my hate, no no
Ain't got time to waste my hate on you
I think I'll keep it all for myself
For myself
Good day. How do?
And I send a smile to you
Don't waste, waste your breath
And I won't waste my hate on you
Waste my hate on you
Think I'll keep it for myself
Keane - We Might As Well Be Strangers
I don't know your face no more
Or feel your touch that I adore
I don't know your face no more
It's just a place I'm looking for
We might as well be strangers in another town
We might as well be living in a different world
We might as well
We might as well
We might as well
I don't know your thoughts these days
We're strangers in an empty space
I don't understand your heart
It's easier to be apart
We might as well be strangers in another town
We might as well be living in a another time
We might as well
We might as well
We might as well be strangers
Be strangers
For all I know of you now
For all I know of you now
For all I know of you now
For all I know
Or feel your touch that I adore
I don't know your face no more
It's just a place I'm looking for
We might as well be strangers in another town
We might as well be living in a different world
We might as well
We might as well
We might as well
I don't know your thoughts these days
We're strangers in an empty space
I don't understand your heart
It's easier to be apart
We might as well be strangers in another town
We might as well be living in a another time
We might as well
We might as well
We might as well be strangers
Be strangers
For all I know of you now
For all I know of you now
For all I know of you now
For all I know
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